Langworthy Public Library grew from conversations between Amos G. Nichols and his uncle, Joseph Langworthy in the late 1880’s when it was suggested that kindly thoughts of Mr. Langworthy would remain in the minds of villagers for generations if he made possible such an establishment. This argument was persuasive enough to have Mr. Langworthy bequeath $5,000 for the purpose. In May 1888, papers of incorporation were secured and books were purchased. The library opened on July 7, 1888 with 794 books in a reading room provided rent-free by the Odd Fellows Lodge, Main Street, Hopkinton.

Amos Nichols
Desiring a building of their own, in September 1916 the Library Association bought the William N. Chipman property on Mechanic Street and set about remodeling and renovating the old Cape Cod house to accommodate a growing collection.
During the 1920’s and 30’s, with the steady increase in library patrons, it became evident that the library was once again outgrowing its present facilities. Two building lots on Spring Street were provided by May Nichols in June 1933. The Board of Directors met for the first time in the newly constructed library on January 1, 1934. In 1957 a wing was added to the library to house local history and genealogy collections downstairs and general collections upstairs.
Patrons, friends and readers join together in kindly thoughts of Joseph Langworthy and the many individuals through the years who have worked diligently to provide public library service in Hope Valley.